Semi-secretly, I am a creative director, too.
I lead a tiny team of brilliant artists and together we craft care-in-every-pixel websites for people, organizations, and movements, making important (and beautiful) contributions to the DNA of the internet. My specialty is sensitive, holistic, resonant design, which, to me, means expressing written and visual messages harmoniously, each serving the other.
(If you need website writing first, explore my writing services, and we’ll begin there.)
Before reading too far, please know that this service is currently on indefinite hold as I focus on writing work.
Make your part of the internet friendly.
The process
Together we’ll turn your message and work into an artfully composed website (that you’ll be able to update yourself), with every little detail considered. Because there are no little details.
I am passionate about texture, about layering, about delight. About making sure the fonts aren’t just lovely, but that they feel like you. That the colour palette sets the right mood. That if you’re a healer, your site nurtures. If you’re a coach, it encourages. If you’re an activist, it sings.
The beautiful, warm, inviting design, that’s what we do as decorators … but we’re architects too. We study the science of visual communications and HCI (human computer interaction) and structure highly usable navigation, code optimized for search engines and accessibility, layouts that encourage site visitors to linger and engage.