I write different things for different people, all around the world, but whether it’s a website or speech or online course or a scientific paper summarized in an Instagram post, all the writing I do for others has one thing in common – the writing requires care.
It’s important to get it right. To communicate clearly and thoughtfully. With sensitivity. Originality. Nuance. It’s important to be precise and kind. And sometimes firm, sometimes poignant, sometimes fierce. It’s important that it sounds like you.
I have written for authors and thought leaders, ecologists and scientists, people with ideas and knowledge but not enough hours to type.
I have written websites and posts for events that sold to capacity, with wait lists.
I have written memorials that, through the language, gave the loved one’s legacy deeper meaning.
I have written social media posts liked and hearted by thousands and thousands.
I have helped online communities write community agreements to address racism and homophobia and ignorance, replacing good intentions with clear guidelines and expectations. (But I am not an equity and inclusion educator so for that, I recommend beginning with Milagros Phillips, The Adaway Group, or Evenings & Weekends Consulting and then I can help put your learning to words.)
I have written courses for teachers who knew their stuff, but not how to put it into lessons and assignments.
I have written so many newsletters. I love love love the intimacy and connection good email makes possible.
When I read work Carrie has written for others, I feel her heart in it. She uses language to encourage connection and compassion and community.
Milagros Phillips, author of 11 Reasons to Become Race Literate
Working together
If you or your organization could benefit from the writing services of a professional creative communicator, use the form below to be in touch and let’s begin a conversation.
I would love to help articulate and amplify the message of your work and life.
To give you an idea of costs, my standard rate for writing/wordsmithing/ghostwriting/consulting one-time projects is $225/hour for new clients (lower for returning clients) but we’ll set a cap for the hours I spend so you always know what to expect going in. If setting up a payment plan would be helpful, let Christine, my assistant and welcome ambassador, know when you reach out and we’ll see what we can figure out together.
I am already committed to volunteer work for organizations close to my heart but on occasion have openings for writing projects on a pay-what-you-can basis for clients who aren’t in a position – especially due to systemic inequity – to pay full rate. If this is you, please feel welcome to tell Christine in private what you’re looking for and what you can pay without hardship and we’ll let you know if it’s possible at this time.
My writing services
Ghostwriting, copywriting, writing – You tell me what you’d like me to write and I write it for you. As subject matter expert, you may also provide some loose notes or content for me to draw from, or I may do the research required myself, billing for that time.
Wordsmithing – You write the first draft, and I polish it, which will include proofreading for spelling and grammar as well as reworking for clarity, tone, and style. Wordsmithing generally takes less time than original writing. (Some clients like to start with one of my writing workbooks and then have me give their final draft a little polish.)
What to expect
If you’ve never worked with a professional writer before, not to worry. Most of my clients haven’t. It can be vulnerable work, sharing your message and hopes with a stranger, and I understand if you’re a little nervous about it, a little tender. Tender is totally my thing.
Here’s what will happen. After you hit “Submit” on the form below, Christine will read it and get in touch with next steps, letting you know if it sounds, at first blush, like a good fit for me, given timing and project type. She can answer any questions you might have. Once you’ve firmly decided to work together, she may send you an online questionnaire to complete (that depends on the project) and a deposit invoice, and once those are settled, I will Vox you with any followup questions so we can connect through voice memo (not a live call) for the initial project briefing at a time that fits each of our own personal rhythms. Here’s where to download the free Voxer app if you don’t already have it. If it’s wordsmithing or something straightforward or we already know each other, I will often be able to jump straight to the writing.
We will handle the rest of our communications in the Google doc, so everything is in writing in the same place. If you prefer to be able to talk things through on the phone, you’ll definitely be happier with another writer because that is not a work approach I’m able to offer.
Your first read of our work together might be exactly right or exactly wrong or, likeliest, somewhere in-between, but the first draft’s job is to be a starting point. Something to respond to. And then we refine it from there.
My ideal client
I write for and with clients – individuals or organizations – doing work that contributes to the improved well-being of the world. What you’re doing doesn’t have to be big but it does have to have heart.
Some of the things people hire me to write
homepages * about pages * emails * e-books * speeches * course curriculum * Instagram and Facebook posts * mini e-courses * sensitive responses * guided meditations * eulogies * community guidelines * workbooks * legacy letters